Sunday, 3 August 2014


Hi guys!! since im still fairly new to this whole blogging thing i thought id do the about me tag to let you all know a bit about me ! hope you enjoy and ill bogg again soon 

Me: Aimee Lauren Wating
Nicknames: Aimz, Watterz, Loz, Chicken
Birthday: 9th January 1996
Place of Birth: Slough, UK
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: Full time brand specialist at Warehouse, Outift.
Residence: Fleet, Hampshire
Screen Name: Aimeeinfluential

Hair Colour: Browny Red (Natural Brunette)
Hair Length: Long
Eye colour: Brown
Best Feature: Eyes
Height: 5ft something... Very short.
Braces?: Nope, luckily.
Glasses?: Nope
Piercing: Just my ears 
Tattoos: None.
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your 'Firsts':
First best friend: Lots of friends, Jade from my first primary.
First Award: Probably my dance exam.
First Sport You Joined: Disco, street and latin and ballroom dancing.
First Real Vacation: Florida, USA
First Concert: Mcfly 
First Love: Daniel

Movie: Mean Girls, Couples Retreat, ALL DISNEY FILMS... i have loads
TV Show: Friends
Colours: Pastels or neons
Song: Anything yonce or house !! 
Candy: Jellytots
Restaurant: TGI fridays, or Chiquitos
Store: Zara 100%
School: ..
Book: i dont read anything but magazines ;)
Magazine: Cosmo, Glamour, Vogue
Shoes: Trainers and heels

Feeling: Happy and cosy
Single or Taken: Taken
Eating: Bagels 
Typing: This cute tag
Online: of course!
Listening To: ZHU - Faded
Thinking About: Getting up for work to do a scary visit tomorrow ahhhh 
Wanting: To be back in Turkey
Watching: The computer screen
Wearing: black snakeskin leggings and a white vest 

Want Children?: Yes, not yet though!
Want to be Married: 100 percent.
Careers in Mind: Anything in the fashion industry would love to have my own brand! 
Where do you want to live?: Anywhere that feels like home 

Have you ever:
Kissed a Stranger: nope
Had Alcohol: yes love a woo woo 
Smoked: no never will
Ran Away From Home: planned it when i was about 8 packed and everything aha
Broken a bone: No but going to jinx it now
Got an X-ray: My teeth
Broken Someone's Heart: Yes unfortunately
Broke Up With Someone: Yes
Cried When Someone Died: Yes
Cried At School: Yes way too much

Do You Believe In:
God: No but id like to
Miracles: Of course
Love At First sight: Yes!
Ghosts: Yes
Aliens: its hard to think we are the only ones out here! 
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: Yes
Hell: i guess its possible :(
Kissing on The First Date: Why not?
Yourself: Not enough...

Bring back the vintage browns

Autumns coming and it's time to bring back the browns and woolys!!! This snug yet stylish combo works really well with little pixi boots and a satchule. Making use of vintage clothing really guarantees that you'll be the ony one wearing that outfit this autumn!

Jumper // my dads but any oversized jumper will do
Bag // New Look
Skirt // my mums old skirt but could be found In a similar style in vintage stores
Boots // New Look
Socks // Rebublic


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Textiles Federation

Textiles Federation is a new company to me. However the second I saw their products I had wished I'd never seen them! I don't think I have ever wanted to fill my wardrobe with a whole collection as much as I want to with this one! 

Their bold use of block colours and vibrant graphical prints make these pieces so unique, quirky and stylish! (100% me) I love the way in which the dress prints are mirrored, I think this creates an amazing affect and makes the garments look even more eye catching! 

All these dresses, leggings, and kimonos can be found on ASOS along with their prices and many other matching accessories! 

Comment below and let me know of any reviews or new brands you'd like me to look at and do!

© 2025 AimeeInfluential. All rights reserved.