Monday, 29 December 2014



 I was nominated by the gorgeous and talented molly! Owner and creator of the fabulous blog MPBeauty! Go check it out and follow her for post on all things girly!! 

As far as i know the 
 'Liebster Award' is to raise awareness for the smaller bloggers who have less than 200 followers and to get to know new bloggers in the community! 

The Rules

1. Link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator 
3. Nominate 11 other blogger who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees 
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs 

MPBeauty's Questions For Me

1. Whats your favourite thing about blogging?
I have to say the community!! The world itself is a harsh place but having a blog is like a real life diary, you can write about what you love however you like and someone somewhere who feels the same can take on board  your advice or give you some! I guess you could say the never ending possibilities of growth. 
2. What's your favourite band/singer?
Tinashe, Banks, Ariana Grande, To be honest  i have no genre preference! love a lot of things! 
3. What's your favourite quote?
'A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with bricks others have thrown at her.'
4. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
I would love to go to mexico! love their food, the colours, music and atmosphere!! 
5. Favourite brand of makeup?
I'd have to say Kiko or Urban Decay
6. Fashion or Beauty?
If this was asked to me a few months ago i would have hands down said fashion. It always will and forever is my one love but i have to say recently beauty has been taking over slightly. Ive been experimenting with new beauty products, hair care and makeup and sticking to my old clothes..... So maybe its time i purchased a new wardrobe and shared it with you guys aye? 
7. Favourite trend of 2014?
It has got to be the return of the pointed heels!!! Who knew that finally a decent hight heel with so much class was going to hit us hard so glamorously.The days of fumbling around on chunky plastic heels is a little less known and has taken a back seat when introduced to the gorgeous court shoe! Or the summer version the barely there shoe! 
8. Likes and dislikes?
I LOVE NACHOS, watching friends, and have a rather large obsession for candles! 
I don't like thunder and lightening, hurricanes or any natural disasters! i such a girl when it comes to things like that :( 
9. Favorite colour?
Any pastel colours, although if we are talking on clothes LOVE anything khaki green.
10. Why did you start Blogging?
I studied fashion at college and begun one then back in the day i was a lot lazier than i am now ( i know hard to believe!) So i never really kept up. Anyways now i work in retail and am Brand Specialist of Warehouse in Outfit i really wanted to get back into something creative alongside and realised that having a blog just said waiting for me to grab with both hands and really make my own was the perfect opportunity!! 

11. What are you looking forward too in 2015?
If I'm honest i don't really plan too far ahead, i like the endless possibilities a year can bring. but id probably say i am looking forward to seeing my blog grow, traveling with my man Daniel,and just enjoying my last year as a teenager before i turn 20!! 

My Questions

1.Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
2.Whats your favourite tv programme?
3.Whats your number one fashion piece go to?
4.Name your fave beauty product?
5.When your writing a blogpost whats going on in the background?Music?A film?
6.Who is your inspiration?
7.Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
8.Whats that one song that makes you go crazy?
9.Whos your favourite Liebster nominee blog and why?
10.If you were stuck on a desert island with only 3 items what would they be and why?
11.Why did you start blogging?

Thankyou so much for my nomination and happy blogging all! .x



  1. Loved reading this!! :)
    Molly XO

    1. Absolutely love your blog Hun! Would be great to stay in touch! Xxx

  2. Thanks so much for my nomination gorgeous. You know how much I love you and your blog. Means so much <3

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! Mine's here --> xx

    1. Thats okay hun!! <3 ill take look now! <3

  4. Pointed heels and nachos! YES!
    Would you like to follow each other?Let me know:)

    1. ahahah sounds like we are exactly the same ahaha! <3 yeah of course ill follow you now <3 xx


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