Saturday, 27 December 2014

Festive Lush Haul

So as i said on my twitter account @aimeeinf since i received soo many lovely things this christmas from my friends and family i am not going to be doing a haul video because i don't want to show them all at once and gloat about what i have but if i think theres somethings that i think you guys might be interested in seeing then ill do a post!! :) 

It was only a matter of time before i decided to introduce you all to my lovely beauties from Lush! So i was lucky enough to receive TWO i repeat TWO lots huge boxes of Lush goodies! one from the gorgeous Daniel and the other from my parents! :) 


Gold Fun:
This is not one for the clean freak! a simple touch can leave your finger coated in gorgeous shimmering gold powder! smells absolutely devine i have to say and if 100% one to play with before a fancy night out! 

Snowman Shower Jelly: 
This has to be the cutest looking snowman ever!! How can you resist the slimy sweet smelling wobbly man? The perfect christmas treat 

Whoosh Jelly: 
Now hands down this is the ultimate smell! i wouldn't necessarily say its at all a christmassy or seasonal scent but oh my gosh! I guess in a funny way to me it smells like mens aftershave and i absolutely love it, but if your a girly girl then don't let that put you off its such an awakening, fresh and clean smell! 

Father Christmas: 
'A festive green and red bath bomb to bring santos presence into the bath' This is pretty much all the colours, smells, and fun of christmas wrapped up into one christmas bath bomb! Lets be honest who can resist that face! 

Golden Wonder:
'For a golden lustre-filled bath with refreshing lime oil and the uplifting scent of a sparkling cocktail' Much like the gold fun this is one that i would use to soak before a night out or simply add a bit of glamour to my day! and for those of you who know me know i can't resist some sparkle and gold ;) 

there are 3 more bath bombs to add on but my camera is currently charing ! oooopsy so make sure you come back later to check out the others which i will add on as soon as I've sorted them out! x




  1. absolutely love their christmas editions!
    following you on bloglovin' and twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    happy holidays! ♥
    a possible fantasy

    1. they smell amazing don't they !!! <3 its pretty much a christmas party in the bath!
      Thankyou so much for the follows i will defo check your blog out and follow you back thank you so much for the support always so lovely to hear!! <3 xx


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