Monday, 4 May 2015

Gdads Birthday!!

So my lovelies its that time again! When the family all come together to celebrate another Birthday, and this time it was indeed my amazing grandad... or Gdad as we call him! I don't know what it is about birthdays in our family but it just doesn't seem right if we don't all get together and scare a restaurant into the huge challenges that come along with each Watling, Davey celebration! 
Finding a table big enough to fit 12 people, dealing with the loud roars of laughter when that one person cracks the best jokes, catering for the young ones... and the fussy one! The list could go on! 
Usually its Gdad who hosts most family shindigs rushing around having to cater for all of us and our hundreds of needs so its nice to have times where he can too enjoy the chilled side of going out! (especially when its his birthday) No washing up, no stress and all of us together.

Either way i think its safe to say that once again it was a more than successful get together! I don't know if its just my family but theres something so normal about all 12 of us huddled round a huge table shouting from end to end, Asking if I've eaten all my chicken, seeing my little cousin cracking up because he's just called my mum jean from Eastenders, the absolute stress when trying to decide on what to order or when the iPad dies half way through!  Call me biased but i don't think i know another family who's as close as we all are with just as much banter as we have! 



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