So guys if you haven't guessed yet from the title, today we are talking tan! As much as fake tans are always looked at in a rather skeptical light in the worry that you'll be super dark instantly or have running orange lines all over your body! I can tell you that it's all in the application. User error people! Of course if you buy a crazy expensive tan you expect to get what you pay for right?.... Well whilst that may be true hunnies this is where the amazing St.Moriz tan comes in.
Beyond professional tan for affordable high street prices! This tan has absolutely taken us girlies into consideration listening to exactly what we want and blowing the rather pricey St Tropez tan out of the water allowing all of us to maintain that sassy tan all year long! Head down to your local drugstore, or even outfit store as they now stock them as a summer special! This is amazing news for me but bad news for my purse! Every time i now go to work i end up stocking up on the latest tan...Oooops!
For those of you who have never ventured into the SM world listed below
Are their top 4 tanning products so take a look and go invest! There really is a product for everyone.
Tanning lotion ~ This tan id say is the consistency of body lotion or skin cream and should be used for a more intense all over tan! I tend to use this product when I want to spend a little more time on my tan!
Tanning Mousse ~ This is an airy mousse in a pump bottle which I'd say is the all time easiest to apply! So if your a fake tan virgin then I would definitely recommend starting with this! This tan is also perfect for quick application so I use this as my last minute tan.
Tanning Spray ~ For me this is the one!!! I only recently tried this one out and I love it. Being as easy to apply as the mousse and as intense as the lotion you can't complain! This tan is in an aerosol can and sprays onto the body but of course like the others you'll still need to work it in with a mit.
Fast gradual tan ~ This tanning mousse has shade control so the longer you leave it on the darker it gets! Which is perfect if you don't always want the same shade tan! 1hr is light 2hr is medium and 3hr is dark who needs to buy three different shades of tan when you have it all in the same bottle! .....just remember to wash it off afterwards ;)
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