Saturday, 23 April 2016

Bluegrass BBQ

Hello my lovelies! Yaaaas its food time again!

If you follow my insta then you'll see that I've been having a bit of a food binge....(probably not the best as its summer soon) Never the less me and my man have been visiting some of our fave eaterys in the search for some new grub worth a pic! A few weeks ago it was my dads birthday and we thought we'd go somewhere new. Daniel has been going on about this place for months and being a massive burger lover i just knew dad would approve! However its not just amazing burgers that this place create! Theres something for everyone... even you sassy veggies out there. From Veggie chilli, pork trio pancake stacks to ribs this place has it all!!! 

So take a look and go give it a go, if you guys know of any places for me and Daniel to try then please let me know or if you visit bluegrass let me know what you thought! Id love to hear!....


Happy Birthday Dad! X

Friday, 15 April 2016

Instagram Catch Up

Hello my lovelies! 

Just a little update in what I've been up too lately! Id say my Instagram is my most used form of social media (beside snap) Uploading on average 3 piccs a day its no wonder my phone battery never lasts long! If your not already then follow me on insta for daily pictures and updates at @aimeeinfluential. Or just click the link for contact me in the drop down box at the top of my blog!


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