Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Joana Sanz Style File

So heres another one! 

Its style file time, So here we have the glamorous model Joana Sanz! 
With the festivities nearly over and back to work fastly approaching what better style file to do than some perfectly tailored black numbers! 

Joana Sanz Style File



Monday, 29 December 2014



 I was nominated by the gorgeous and talented molly! Owner and creator of the fabulous blog MPBeauty! Go check it out and follow her for post on all things girly!! 

As far as i know the 
 'Liebster Award' is to raise awareness for the smaller bloggers who have less than 200 followers and to get to know new bloggers in the community! 

The Rules

1. Link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator 
3. Nominate 11 other blogger who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees 
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs 

MPBeauty's Questions For Me

1. Whats your favourite thing about blogging?
I have to say the community!! The world itself is a harsh place but having a blog is like a real life diary, you can write about what you love however you like and someone somewhere who feels the same can take on board  your advice or give you some! I guess you could say the never ending possibilities of growth. 
2. What's your favourite band/singer?
Tinashe, Banks, Ariana Grande, To be honest  i have no genre preference! love a lot of things! 
3. What's your favourite quote?
'A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with bricks others have thrown at her.'
4. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
I would love to go to mexico! love their food, the colours, music and atmosphere!! 
5. Favourite brand of makeup?
I'd have to say Kiko or Urban Decay
6. Fashion or Beauty?
If this was asked to me a few months ago i would have hands down said fashion. It always will and forever is my one love but i have to say recently beauty has been taking over slightly. Ive been experimenting with new beauty products, hair care and makeup and sticking to my old clothes..... So maybe its time i purchased a new wardrobe and shared it with you guys aye? 
7. Favourite trend of 2014?
It has got to be the return of the pointed heels!!! Who knew that finally a decent hight heel with so much class was going to hit us hard so glamorously.The days of fumbling around on chunky plastic heels is a little less known and has taken a back seat when introduced to the gorgeous court shoe! Or the summer version the barely there shoe! 
8. Likes and dislikes?
I LOVE NACHOS, watching friends, and have a rather large obsession for candles! 
I don't like thunder and lightening, hurricanes or any natural disasters! i such a girl when it comes to things like that :( 
9. Favorite colour?
Any pastel colours, although if we are talking on clothes LOVE anything khaki green.
10. Why did you start Blogging?
I studied fashion at college and begun one then back in the day i was a lot lazier than i am now ( i know hard to believe!) So i never really kept up. Anyways now i work in retail and am Brand Specialist of Warehouse in Outfit i really wanted to get back into something creative alongside and realised that having a blog just said waiting for me to grab with both hands and really make my own was the perfect opportunity!! 

11. What are you looking forward too in 2015?
If I'm honest i don't really plan too far ahead, i like the endless possibilities a year can bring. but id probably say i am looking forward to seeing my blog grow, traveling with my man Daniel,and just enjoying my last year as a teenager before i turn 20!! 

My Questions

1.Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
2.Whats your favourite tv programme?
3.Whats your number one fashion piece go to?
4.Name your fave beauty product?
5.When your writing a blogpost whats going on in the background?Music?A film?
6.Who is your inspiration?
7.Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
8.Whats that one song that makes you go crazy?
9.Whos your favourite Liebster nominee blog and why?
10.If you were stuck on a desert island with only 3 items what would they be and why?
11.Why did you start blogging?

Thankyou so much for my nomination and happy blogging all! .x


Top 10 Beauty Tips!

Good Morning! 
Apologies on the delay was filming yesterday! I have for you beauties a bit of a beauty bible! Some of my 10 easy steps to give you inspiration, ideas, or just a nosey at the way i do things! If theres anything else you'd like me to touch up on then please tweet me at @aimeeinf and let me know would love to hear from you all! 

1.Pony tail looking a bit flat? Simply pin two bobby pins vertically into the underside of your ponytail and watch as your hair has more bounce!!!Works brilliant with poker straight hair our tumbling curls. 

2.Want fuller looking lips? Grab your favourite lip liner and a MATTE lipstick and just draw both your cupids bow and bottom crease slightly above/below your actual lip. Then go in with the matte lipstick and fill in the gaps!NOTE: using a shiny/gloss affect lipstick will only highlight the fact that you have 'overdrawn' your lips as light will reflect off of your cupids bow and give you a miss hap makeup look.

3.Want brighter looking eyes? On the upper and lower water line of your eyes line with a matte white eyeliner, this will make your eyes look brighter, bigger and more awake! But don't forget to go in with a black eyeliner or smokey eyeshadow underneath the corner of your eyes to get the full effect otherwise it could leave you looking a little washed out!

4.Concealer not staying on? The majority of us will apply our base coat in the order of Primer, Concealer, then foundation....DONT! By adding the foundation after your concealer your pretty much eliminating the purpose??? Concealer is to cover up break outs, and to highlight your face in areas. If thats what your trying to do then you want it to stay exactly where you apply it not smeared around underneath your foundation in a cake way.

5.Fancy simple messy beach waves?Wash your hair and plait your whole head whilst damp, sleep on it and in the morning dry the plaits and unravel. Add some salt spray and scrunch a tousle your hair ready for the day ahead! 

6.Longing for longer lashes without the fakes? Most of us tend to opt for using one mascara and pulling the lashes outwards. This however makes the eyelashes look flatter and shorter. Grab yourself two different mascaras that you like and pull the lashes up with the mascara brush. TOP TIP: spend as long on your bottom lashes as you do with your top! If you love the amazingly 'spidery' look.

7.Dark circles under your eyes?Its all about your concealer, of course more sleep is the proper solution but not all of us manage to get a full 8 hours a night! so for a slightly easier approach simply grab your fave concealer and apply in an upside down triangle shape. A simple sweep under the eye isn't going to get rid of them? in fact it'll just simply move the bag/dark circle lower down as your just creating the same shape a little lower down. try it.... and you'll see just how much brighter and more awake you'll look.

8.Fancy a go at contouring? Don't just use bronzer. This can leave a really orange shimmery finish to your face which is the exact opposite to what your trying to achieve. When contouring your really trying to create light and dark areas of a matte finish for it to look natural. So if your using a sparkly/shimmer bronzer it can look the complete opposite with little affect.  

9.Cant seem to master the winged eyeliner?Get a bit of sticky tape place it diagonal to the outer corner of your eye and draw your flick against the tape. This way when you peel the tape back you will have a perfectly straight pro looking flick! 

10.Got scars, stretch marks, or burns that you want to fade? Make coconut oil your best friend! A while back i was silly enough to forget i had my curlers on my bed and rolled over onto them. For ages i had this horrendous scar that for a while i had to keep under this sanitary towel looking bandage -.- you can imagine the looks i got when it was visible through my leggings! Anyway if thats something you'd like to fade or just help heal then every day rub a little coconut oil onto the chosen area and you will see a massive difference I'm telling you! Also its great for the skin and leave it super soft! 

So my lovelies those are a few of my personal beauty tips! Of course we all do things differently and i am not in anyway telling you what to do! Would just like to share some of my secrets and ideas with you all as i have been asked a few times how i do different things! <3


Saturday, 27 December 2014

Festive Lush Haul

So as i said on my twitter account @aimeeinf since i received soo many lovely things this christmas from my friends and family i am not going to be doing a haul video because i don't want to show them all at once and gloat about what i have but if i think theres somethings that i think you guys might be interested in seeing then ill do a post!! :) 

It was only a matter of time before i decided to introduce you all to my lovely beauties from Lush! So i was lucky enough to receive TWO i repeat TWO lots huge boxes of Lush goodies! one from the gorgeous Daniel and the other from my parents! :) 


Gold Fun:
This is not one for the clean freak! a simple touch can leave your finger coated in gorgeous shimmering gold powder! smells absolutely devine i have to say and if 100% one to play with before a fancy night out! 

Snowman Shower Jelly: 
This has to be the cutest looking snowman ever!! How can you resist the slimy sweet smelling wobbly man? The perfect christmas treat 

Whoosh Jelly: 
Now hands down this is the ultimate smell! i wouldn't necessarily say its at all a christmassy or seasonal scent but oh my gosh! I guess in a funny way to me it smells like mens aftershave and i absolutely love it, but if your a girly girl then don't let that put you off its such an awakening, fresh and clean smell! 

Father Christmas: 
'A festive green and red bath bomb to bring santos presence into the bath' This is pretty much all the colours, smells, and fun of christmas wrapped up into one christmas bath bomb! Lets be honest who can resist that face! 

Golden Wonder:
'For a golden lustre-filled bath with refreshing lime oil and the uplifting scent of a sparkling cocktail' Much like the gold fun this is one that i would use to soak before a night out or simply add a bit of glamour to my day! and for those of you who know me know i can't resist some sparkle and gold ;) 

there are 3 more bath bombs to add on but my camera is currently charing ! oooopsy so make sure you come back later to check out the others which i will add on as soon as I've sorted them out! x



Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Kiko Cosmetics!!


I am absolutely in love with the brand Kiko! Amazing Mac like makeup for less than half the price! if any of you have seen my Q&A Video with the wonderful Charley then you will remember me ranting on about my love for the brand. 
"its designer products for highstreet lovers" 

Why not head over to their website and check out their fabulous products Click here

So i haven't tried these particular cosmetics that i was lucky enough to receive last week but i will definitely be doing a Kiko makeup review next week so keep an eye out for that one my little sass queens and kings! 

If I'm completely honest i didn't even know eyelash growth even existed, but having done a bit of research i am solo excited to try the 30 day night treatment i think ill have to purchase the day time treatment as well to run alongside making sure i can get the full effect!! And can i just say how perfect are those berry and mauve toned lipsticks! WOW just WOW!! 

Head over to my Youtube channel to keep updated on my latest videos and make sure you don't miss out on my kilo review next week click here

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