Saturday, 3 January 2015
Boyfriend Girlfriend Tag !
Me and Daniel have decided to do a girlfriend and boyfriend tag for you! Some of the questions are pretty random so we changed a few ahah but hope you enjoy getting to know a little bit more about the two of us! <3 please comment in the comment box below letting us know what you think of any other questions you might have! x
Or tweet me at @aimeeinf !
1 When did we meet/where
Aimee:In college he used to stare at me in the canteen ;)
Daniel:We met innn, College. erm about 2 years ago!
2 When did you meet my parents
Aimee:When i went round one day
Daniel:The same summer i met you, when you had your family BBQ
3 What is 1 thing you wish i didnt do
Aimee:Pick the hard skin on your hands... Eghhh!!
Daniel:You always pick my spots -.-
4 Where was our first date
Aimee:The Harvester + Cinema
Daniel:The Harvester + Cinema
5 What Job do you have
Aimee:Brand Specialist Of Warehouse + Fashion Blogger
Daniel:Freelance Personal Trainer + Nutritionalist
6 Whats your fave tv show?
Aimee:F.R.I.E.N.D.S. !!!!!
Daniel:Only Fools And Horses ( Rodney you plonker!!!)
7 Whats your fave sauce
Aimee:Peppercorn Sauce hands down every single time........or gravy
8 One food i dont like
Aimee:Most fish and red meats to be honest... Pretty fussy eater!
Daniel:Brussel sprouts on their own, but Jamie Oliver does an awesome recipe for shredded sprouts and bacon
9 One choc/sweets you couldn't live without?
Daniel:Ooo Nerds!
1O Fave drink?
Aimee:Would have to say bubble tea
Daniel:Coffee, Caramel latte
11 What is my shoe size?
Aimee:4 or 5
Daniel:8 or 9
12 Fave hobby?
Aimee:Blogging or baking with dan! can't beat that on a sunday afternoon <3
Daniel:The gym or baking.... Going to the gym
13 Fave sandwich?
Aimee:Tuna salad or marmite or bacon and richmond sausages mmmmm
Daniel:dunno think its got to be bacon....Or coronation chicken!!!
14 What would i eat every day if i could
Aimee:Chicken pie chips and gravy everytime!
15 What is my fave cereal
Aimee:i don't eat cereal to be honest i don't like milk :(
16 What is your fave colour?
Aimee:Mint green (it changes everyday)
Daniel:Blue Blue Blue
17 Fave sport team
Aimee:Both into american football so would have to say Atlanta Falcons
Daniel:Miami Dolphins american football
18what is my eye colour
19 Fave time of year?
Aimee: 100% Chrismtassssss
2O How long have you been together?
Aimee: we've been together for 1 year and nearly 5 months!
Daniel: A year and 4 months, but might swell class it as 2 years
21 Do you have any traditions together?
Aimee: Every sunday we go to mine and bake with my mum! Love it proper family time and get to eat it all afterwards! YUM
Daniel: Sunday baking
22 Where do my family come from?
Aimee: Slough and Basingstoke
Daniel: Brighton and Hayling Island
23 What is my fave cake?
Aimee: Lemon drizzle cake yum yum!
Daniel:My favourite cake has to bee.....Chocolate fudge cake!
24 Did i play sports,if so what?
Aimee: I used to dance, miss it ALOT!
Daniel: I was a cross country runner for my county and country. I also played football.
25 i would spent hours on _______
Aimee: My hair(when i can be bothered)
Daniel: My physique because i am a personal trainer!
26 What talents of mine do you LOVE
Aimee: I love daniels ability to put up with my childish behaviour and dramas!! and that he is an amazing cook! <3 (could go on forever really)
Daniel: I love that she has a huge talent in fashion, so i have no problem when it comes to struggling with an outfit.
27 Where/when was our first kiss?
Aimee: awe it was the first day i got back from Zante!
Daniel: I know this one! FIRST DAY BACK AFTER HER HOLIDAY!! She came to mine and i had all these little surprises and pressies wrapped for her and had wrapped them all in hello kitty paper (because she's obsessed!)
28 Who said" i love you" first?
Aimee: I did
Daniel: hmmmm, No i did?
29 Discribe each other in 3 words!
Aimee: mm okay! Stunning, hilarious, Manly ahah
Daniel:She's Caring, Loving and adorable
3O Who wears the pants in the relationship ... is it agreed???
Aimee: I think we both do, i wouldn't say that its a role that one of us play because we both do in different situations?
Daniel: me.
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