Sunday, 12 April 2015

Benefit Cosmetics! Porefessional and Roller

 So my lovelies! Ive recently received these super cute sample sized makeup products by benefit cosmetics! I have been testing these bad boys out over the past few days and wanted to share with you all what i thought! 

Roller Lash Mascara
Im lucky enough to be blessed with naturally long lashes! However i still enjoy enhancing them with mascaras that work their magic. I genuinely love this mascara, yes it is a little bit pricey much like the 'They're Real' mascara but it is just as brilliant! for me this is my go to false lash effect creator! and i love it! No clumps, no fuss and with the hook n' roll brush the little bristles grab each and every short hair and roll the long ones up for a gorgeous long lash look! 

The Professional Primer
If I'm completely honest i change my primers all the time depending on whats on offer or the quality of my skin at the time! Now i have heard a lot of negatives about this particular primer from my friends! Both Carley and Gisela found the product very cakey and caused them to break out big time! However I've been using it for the past three days and really like it! I find it covers my lumps and bumps from spots and pores allowing for a more flawless foundation application not to mention the all day wear ability!!! With that in mind i think this is a product for every now and again! If you've got a wild night or big day out then its perfect to make sure your base stays put. Keeping you looking sassy.

Let me know what you guys think and if any of you have tried these products or any other let me know! I'd love to hear your stories!! 



  1. Thank you Brendan! Means a lot to me that you like it!

  2. I love benefit products! The minis are so cute.
    Alex //

    1. Ahhh i know! They are perfect for your handbag or clubbing nights out! xxx

  3. ahhh yeah of course! Thank you have a lovely day too !! sorry its taken me a while to reply <3


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