Tuesday, 5 January 2016

8 Tips To A Feel Good New You!


So its that time of year again to dust off the yoga mat and throw out the chocolate! Now not everyone has a new years resolution or if they're anything like me make one but only ever stick to it for about a week max! So this year I've decided to just focus on loving life! Doing things that make me incredibly happy and better myself.

Heres a few things that you can follow to get a new feel good you!

1.The S Word
Its as simple as that really crack a smile people! spread the happiness and it will come back around to you. For all you know you can brighten someones day! I work in retail and when I'm having a really bad day all it could take is a lovely happy customer to make me feel good about myself again!

2.Book A Holiday
Having something to look forward to makes work life so much better don't you agree?... planning your next adventure gets the excited juices flowing and allowed you to explore places you've never been before! whether its sipping cocktails on a roof top bar on a city break or sunning yourself on a beach in barbados its an all round winner.

3.Learn Something New
Now this is something that we all roll our eyes at and normally skip but I'm telling you its actually so much fun. Im not talking get your algebra books out and head back to school I'm talking the fun stuff. Theres endless lists of things you could do from learning a language, salsa dancing, to ski, or simply take a gym class.

4.Eat Clean
I don't mean rule out all carbs and eat nothing but leaves for the whole year. But eating clean for a few weeks can have nothing but a positive affect on both yourself and your lifestyle. As hard as it is to put down the crisps and pick up an apple i have to be honest when i do eat clean my skin is clearer, i feel more awake and ridiculously i feel happier.... (which is strange because id be happier eating cake!)

5.Make An Effort
Now don't get me wrong no one loves a onesie and messy hair more than me but i have to say i feel so much sassier when i make an effort. Try a new hairstyle or get your make up on point whatever makes you feel like a female boss. Now this isn't to say that you have to doll yourself up to look fab! Most lucky girls out there look amazing with no effort and for that i am eternally jealous!! However you must all have that feeling when you piece together a killer outfit and know that anything you do that day will be 100!

6.Date Night
With our busy lives and schedules full of first world princess problems we tend to loose touch from friends,family and baes. But lets be honest us brits spend on average 8 hours and 41 minutes sat scrolling on our phones. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure we could all spare an hour or so to see our besties or meet our man for lunch! So if your reading this and feeling guilty pick up your phone and text someone you haven't spoken to for a while and know you really should! .... It takes 5 mins to say hello. 

7.That Thing
I realise that is probably the whole point of a new years resolution but i still think its a valid point... 
Get on to finally doing that thing you've always wanted/needed to do. For example it might be that you always wanted to upcycle an old chest of draws that are sitting sadly in your garage. Or maybe go to a roller disco.... really and honestly it could be anything that your heart desires! For me its actually rather boring but i NEEEED to organise my room. Its an absolute tip and quite frankly its about time i became more organised.

8.Live In The Moment
This is the big finale and for me my number one go to happiness tip! I struggle a lot with the thought of the future and the horrible prospects of not being on this planet for eternity, and by following this simple tip i am now actually able to be as happy as i like!
 Think like a child... they don't worry about what they're going to have for dinner tomorrow or what the next day at work has in store for them... Granted they don't have any responsibilities what so ever but we can still take a leaf or two out of their book! Think for right now focus on this very second and live it to the full, do what you want this very moment...... to an extent! 

Now i am by no means a life coach and most of these are probably a bunch of rubbish! But  personally they've helped me! So why not try a few, Id love to know if any of my tips have helped any of you or if you've got any ideas for me to try out myself then please leave them in the comments box below.

Love to you all this fabulous 2016!!

P.S. Its my birthday in 3 days!!!!!! (the big 20)

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