Friday, 27 February 2015

what is it???

Why is it that one minute you are on top of the world and then the next you find yourself sat in your room wondering how it all got so bad?Over what?

I don't know if its just me but i am one of those people who worry too much! I over think a situation and always put myself in the other persons shoes feeling sorry or upset for them? If I'm angry or upset with someone ill never tell them? instead ill get home and unload it all on my boyfriend (love you Daniel) I find it so difficult to confront people and when I'm in the situation where i want to lash out and fight my corner. The sheepish part of me takes over and just lets people walk all over me. 

Why is it so hard for me to stand up for myself? Why do i let myself get so used, and spoken to like a piece of........poo. Does it make me a coward? Or do i just not like rejection or upset? .....But if thats the case then I'm failing at that, because, well , I'm the one who always ends upset?

Is it a girl thing, i guess this could just be part of our girly hormones sending us into a crazy phase where we think about everything and anything way too much but then why would there be girls who push you around and make you feel so small?

I realise this isn't my normal kind of blog and I'm sorry its such a 'grey' post but i just had to find a way to let it all out! 


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