Thursday, 12 February 2015

Q&A With Aimee And Jordan!

So its been a while since I’ve done a question and answer blog for you! And today we are joined with the gorgeous Jordan Colley! I love this girl and her crazy personality! So if you want to be nosey and get to know abit about the both of us then keep reading! 
If you have any questions for the both of us for a future video or blog post then please comment letting me know! 

1.Whats your favourite lip product?
Jordan ~ Revlon colourburst matte balm in the shade 240 Striking Spectaculaire
Aimee ~ Kiko double touch 10 hour lipstick in the shade 102

2.What is the one thing you couldn't live without?
Jordan ~ Music
Aimee ~ Dry shampoo!

3. What is your brow game?
Jordan ~ My brow game started about three years ago and its been constantly developing since then my fave product is too faced brow envy! 
Aimee ~ If I'm honest i just do whatever needs filling in with my Rimmel brown brow pencil but most mornings i just tend to leave them.

4. Whats your go to quick hairstyle?
Jordan ~ get out of bed, have my hair down and have a messy bun on top! 
Aimee ~ Messy bun or a slick back pony depending on how much dry shampoo i use.

5. Fave food?
Jordan ~ I really like wraps! Love fajitas!
Aimee ~ Nachoss!!!!!!!

6. Whats your clubbing Safety outfit?
Jordan ~ Tshirt, Jeans , and a shirt. Shoe wise goth boots! 
Aimee ~ Black misguided crossover playsuit! cant go wrong with heels! 

7. Pet hate??
Jordan ~ People not closing my bedroom door! Also people who burp and apologise !
Aimee ~ People who mix sweet and savoury food?!?!? 

8.  Do you both like working together
Jordan ~ sometimes.
Aimee ~ yes.

9.Whats your fave makeup brand?
Jordan ~ Mac!
Aimee ~ kiko or Urban decay

10. Whats your Fave Tv Series?
Jordan ~ H20 its a childs programme but my love for it is serious! Or American horror story
Aimee ~ Mad men love it but have to say so glad that Mr Selfridge is back!

11. What are you fave sweets?
Jordan ~ Topshop strawberries, strawberry lances, and Reversy Percys!
Aimee ~ Jelly tots!!!! 

12.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Jordan ~ Probably still working at outfit!
Aimee ~ Hopefully succesful in blogging!

13. Whats your fave colour?
Jordan ~ If black was a colour then it would be black, but its not its a shade so its green.
Aimee ~ Mint green ! 

14. Do you have a skincare routine?
Jordan ~ Nope i dont i also sleep with my makeup on! oops
Aimee ~ i use nivea skincare the cleanser and toner and the daytime moisturiser!

15. If you could be anyone in the world who would you be?
Jordan ~  Yannis Philipakis because then i could sing and make play great music.
Aimee ~ Beyonce, She's a huge female roll model! QUEEN B!



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