Thursday, 19 February 2015

Life working in fashion retail!

So I've had a few questions about how i got into working in the wonderful world of fashion and where my passion had stemmed from! It all comes down to what you enjoy doing really and today i am joined with my gorgeous friend Alice to talk to you all about what its really like working in fashion retail! So if your interested in the different areas of fashion that you can build a career from or simply nosey then keep reading!

1. Where do you work? Do you enjoy it there?

Aimee ~ Outfit, a store including Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Warehouse, Dorothy Perkins, Wallis, Topman, and wallis (some other outfits have more brands) and yes i really enjoy it! 
Alice ~ Outfit and yes i do ! 

2.How does working in retail challenge you both?

Aimee ~ i'd have to say difficult customers and When styling mannequins being able to dress them in all kinds of styles even if its not to your taste, theres so many different opinions!
Alice ~ Meeting targets and problem customers are my biggest challenges Id say

3.Whats your fave thing about working in retail?

Aimee ~ I'd have to say working with clothing, i love merchandising (changing wall displays and fixtures around) Its so creative and when you style mannequins its like dressing up 24/7!
Alice ~My favourite thing would have to be seeing what is coming into trends before anyone else or seeing what's going in sale, It sounds really lame but i just enjoy knowing things that other people dont!

4. Do you feel pressured to dress a certain way because you work in fashion?

Aimee ~ i wouldn't say pressured as such but of course you always like to look nice especially working around and endless supply of the latest fashion! But thats very difficult to put into practice when you know you have a busy 9 hour day ahead of you!
Alice ~ No not really, sometimes I look at how other employees are dressed at work and judge myself for not making more effort but I don't feel pressure to dress a certain way in or out of work

5.Would you recommend working in retail for the weak hearted? After all they say the fashion industry is the bitchiest! 

Aimee ~ you have to learn not to take things to heart, when fashion is all about personal appearance and style everyones idea of a perfect look is different! wherever you go people will always make comments you just have to rise above it.
Alice ~Hmm I think if you take it personally when people complain about you or bitch about you maybe it's not for you because there's always someone who's unhappy with what you've done and has something to say

6. What are the different areas of fashion that you would recommend for someone getting a first real job? 

Aimee ~Start off in a retail store that interests you, begin as a sales assistant so you can grow more confident in the brand and then work your way up!
Alice ~ I would say work in a place where the clothes they sell are the clothes you like, a simple sales assistant job is best to start but it's harder when you hate the clothes they sell, I hated my first job in retail because the clothes didn't interest me

7. Do you really have much space to be creative working in a shop?

Aimee ~If your working for the right brand then yes, There are so many possibilities when it comes to retail you can be anything from a visual merchandiser, to a stylist, service team, to personal shopper, buyer, to brand specialist and working with a large group of creative people really does keep you busy!! Its far from 'just a shop'
Alice ~ I think it depends what you're doing, as a brand specialist you can be creative but as a till operator or even just a general sales assistant working on a brand there's not much room for creativity as its all down to brand specialists but they let you help move wall displays sometimes

8. How do you cope with criticism?

Aimee ~ At the end of the day dont take things personally, Its just their opinion and you should take it on board to better yourself not beat yourself down about it! Surrounding yourself with lovely and happy people helps aswell! 
Alice~If it's a customer complaining I usually roll my eyes and forget all about it, if it's a manager or employee complaining I take what they're saying on board

9. Do you buy more clothes working for your brand or not??

Aimee ~ YES! Although working as the Warehouse brand specialist makes it hard as i cant ever afford to splash out on a bunch of warehouse clothes.... Unless im treating myself.
Alice~I've definitely bought more clothes since working at outfit, it's hard not to when you stare at them all day

10. What three things have working in retail taught you both?

Aimee ~ You can't please everybody, Its easier to just agree with the customer ...even if they're wrong, and be creative when dressing mannequins.
Alice ~ It has taught me more patience, that some people can't ever be pleased and never put two patterns next to eachother on a fixture


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