Saturday, 14 March 2015


So guys! As a few of you might know i received a rather exciting package from Slendertoxtea! There has been an absolute burst in the world of fashionable dieting and weight loss teas are making a break through! Id previously tried a 14 day detox tea by a brand called BooTea and loved the results! So when id heard about another detox tea by the name Slendertoxtea i couldn't wait to try it out!!! (that sentence was quite a tongue twister)

There are a few amazing factors about this little bag of joy that could turn even the biggest teatox virgins to love Slendertox ~
  • Improve appearance of skin
  • Reduce bloating
  • Increase weightless
  • Colon cleansing
  • Increased energy
  • Increased metabolism
....Lets be honest guys all that in a little tea bag?.....Whats not to like? Yeah i admit even i was a bit skeptical about the one point, Colon Cleansing but after the first day it becomes routine and you can monitor it! These super cute packets are small making them easy to pop in your bag if your in a rush to work and with speedy, easy to follow instructions and a prep time of 5 mins max you'll never be too busy for this healthy little friend!

If thats not enough from this 100% organic teatox then head over to the website where you can also find simple and tasty meal plans to help you achieve that summer bod your working towards! 

When your starting a new diet that you've never tried before it can be a bit daunting! With the thought of eating/drinking things you've never tried before with no idea whats inside! But the website is super user friendly and really sets all your worries aside with their own Q&A page answering users questions and letting you know what their product is all about!

Today was my first day of using the tea and i have to say it was really rather tasty! I absolutely LOVEEEEE green tea anyway so maybe thats why i enjoyed it so much but honestly i don't mind the taste that some people describe as 'earthy'. Much like the Bootea it came with a daytime detox for daily morning use and a before bed tea which you take every other night. If I'm honest i did find that i had a little bit of cramping before i needed to go to the toilet (as one of the teas side affects is colon cleansing) But its worth it as afterwards i felt so refreshed! ...... Weird i know! In all honesty the first day of teatoxing doesn't really count as its your body adjusting to the change! Overall I'm pretty pleased with how the first day has gone as I've had no negative side affects that would cause me to stop using the product!

I am sooo looking forward to teaming this tea with my current workout and meal plan in the hope to see some amazing results!! ...Dont worry ill keep you posted! 

 If any of you guys do try the product out please let me know how you found it!! tweet me at @aimeeinf or simply comment below!

Slendertoxtea Website



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