Sunday, 31 May 2015

London Triathlon

 Hello my lovelies! Hope you've all had a fab rainy day sunday! Today me and the family spent the day in London taking a look at the Triathlon! Congrats to Alistair Brownlee on coming first unfortunatley leaving his brother behind due to his puncture! He would have been up there on that podium otherwise!! However that didn't stop the amazing crowds cheering jonny on! I would not like to have been swimming in that lake today and its soo crazy to think that when my dad completed his Ironman it was 8 times what the lads did today! You'd also expect nothing less than for me to drag the fam into harrods when the sky opened so i hope you enjoyed the piccys sorry theres so many!! Btw how cute is that maccaroon necklace and those crystal perfume bottles!! LOVEEE 



Saturday, 30 May 2015

Back to basics

This is an outfit I've been loving lately! So simple, perfect for all body types and can be worn to all sorts of occasions a sassy day out, a girls night out or date night! With the top costing only £2.50 and the bag £6 theres no excuses! You can pick up a skirt very similar almost anywhere if Topshop is a little too expensive but since its payday weekend there should be no reason why you can't all easily replicate this look! 

Top ~ Primark
Skirt ~ Topshop
Bag ~ Primark
Heels ~ Missguided

Thursday, 28 May 2015

10 things guys don't understand about us hunnies!

So heres some random things about us hunnies that you lads just don't understand! Alice and i have spoken to some of you and these were the most popular answers!! Enjoy! Just as a little disclaimer this is in no way meant to offend any of you men out there its litterally just a little bit of fun in response to last weeks post!

1- No means yes?
Why is it that we insist on saying no when really we mean YES! when you ask us if we want cake and we say no we really mean yes! when you ask us if we are annoyed and we say no.... we are defiantly annoyed. same goes for the word fine for some reason us ladies insist on saying we are fine just to save the argument for another day....whoops!

2- So two faced!
why is it that us girls are so two faced, one minute we are telling you just how much we hate that girl next minute we are posting pics up 'with my bff' and planning girls holidays together. You lads are so much more upfront about this kind of thing and good on your for sticking by us when we tell you all of our bitchy stories!

3-  Why we never go to the toilet alone?
Boys can't understand why we can't go to the toilet unaccompanied by another girl, but they are essential for things like zipping us back into our dress, holding our clutch bag and on emergency make up check. We always come out the toilet laughing because we've been talking about you or trying to make it look like we are having fun without you.

4- Shoe obsession
You can NEVER have too many shoes, it may look like a waste of money having the same shoe in 4 different colours but to us its practicality. 

5- Why you ask questions when you know you wont like the answer?
don't know why we do this but us girls just want reassuring that the answer will be no to questions like... 'do you think she's prettier than me', 'does my bum look big in this' and ' did you just stare at her boobies'. Yeah its a silly game for us to play but just a hint don't pause before you answer!

6- why we complain about our weight and do absolutely nothing about it!
We'd all love to look like Kendall Jenner but the bottom line is cake and cocktails just have a bigger place in our hearts! why do we on having girly nights in crying over the sassy bods of famous hunnies stuffing our faces with endless amounts of chocolate and pizza.

7- overpacking
A good question asked by you men is why we need 12 outfits for a 3 day trip to the coast, as romantic as it is for you to book a last minute get a way, that leaves us no time to plan outfits and back up outfits, how can we plan if we don't know in advance what we're doing each day and whether its appropriate to wear heels or not.

8- Why we can never make a decision
When asked where we want to go for dinner or what movie we want to watch its so much easier to say 'i don't mind, its up to you' because we know deep down whatever we pick you'll only end up moaning about anyway. After all we'd only try force you to watch the latest chick flick! 

9-  No clothes?
For some reason we insist on staring aimlessly at our bulging wardrobes crying that we have nothing to wear when actually 'I have no clothes' means 'Theres nothing in my wardrobe that i want to wear today' sorry guys! This is probably why it takes us soo long to get ready after hours of tantrums.

10- Overthinking?
Why do we insist on laying in bed at night overthinking a situation that isn't even a situation, "why did he only send me one kiss instead of two? have i annoyed him? is there another girl?" theres just something about the way our mind works that if theres no drama its about time we created some (sorry) 

A.//x (And Alice) x


Thursday, 21 May 2015

10 things us hunnies will never understand about you men!

This is one for the girls and something for the lads to laugh about! Just as a little disclaimer this is in no way meant to offend any of you men out there its litterally just a little bit of fun and later next week to get their own back there will be a '10 things men will never understand about us hunnies' post! 

1. Oblivious?
Why is it you don't get our hints? the post it notes in magazines and sly comments when we want you to come pick us up and spend time with us! If I'm totally honest us girlies could probably do with being a little less sly racoon and a little more up front when we want something but come on lads let us think we are winning.

Chill out they're just boobs! you know who else has boobs?.... Your mum.

3.Got an itch down there? Or just checking its still there?
'Im just adjusting' Yeah okay adjusting what? don't then try hold my hand with that nasty lil hand?


Why are they soo funny?... mmmm k

5. Breaking down with illness?

Come on now we all get ill from time to time but A* in drama goes to you lads when a little cold comes along

6. Money...
Why is there no limits to spending huge amounts of money on 'boys toys' yet when we want to head out in a new pair of heels we better expect the third degree! 'how much were they' 'when did you buy them' look when we both earn our own money then enjoy! But if you expect us ladies to not comment when you buy the next games console for over £300 the how bout a compliment on the new heels.... after all your the one we are impressing! 

7. Computer games?
Hmmm i don't know whats so fascinating about killing people?! Acting out war scenes with dribbling zombies or racing a car off a hill on GTA... 

8.Need Help? Know where your going?
Why can't you ask for help or stop and ask for directions? what is it that your pride is worth more than being stranded in the middle of nowhere for hours. 

9. Golf
Now come on what is soo exciting about hitting a little ball and then walking after it.... Go fetch. To be honest that goes for football aswell that fact that you enjoy playing in the rain getting all muddy and for what?.... id rather a bath and cake! 

10. Sitting comfortably?

I feel like I'm missing a trick here lads! sitting with your legs so wide apart that you have no shame in letting your meat and two veg hang low 



Saturday, 16 May 2015

Ice Cream Antics

Why is it that whenever you have a day off work it seems to be raining or everyones busy? Where is the sun guys? Bring it back out I'm soo ready to crack out the mini skirts, cropped tees and super ripped skinnys. 

So the other day on our way to work Norman chose the perfect day to head out in his ice cream van and he didn't fail to deliver i mean come on look at these!!! Your never to old...


Magnitone Lucid

Okay so I've recently had crazy bad skin and it has taken ages to clear ! Its that type that no amount of product or makeup can cover up! 
Apart from suffering from dry skin my face usually behaves (spot wise) however every now and again it gets soooo bad.

With no better timing i was lucky enough to receive a sunshine yellow Magnitone Lucid!! For those of you who don't know Magnitone are a brand who create skincare cleansing products. The Magnitone Lucid is a face brush to be used daily to both cleanse and exfoliate the skin with active electromagnetic technology! Sounds brilliant right? This little thing is defo the must have beauty product perfect for jetting off on holiday, fixing worn out festival face or popping in your bag .With the promise to clearer, brighter and softer skin within 7 days i was of course super excited to try this product out! I haven't used it for 7 days straight yet however currently on day 4 i am blown away! After the first use i could see a difference instantly. My skin is visibly smoother and a lot less dry.

I will keep you al updated on how my experience is going and will show you before and after pics on day 7 so keep an eye out! The amazing people at Magnitone HQ have kindly given me a 20% discount code so you can all enjoy this amazing must have pocket facial. simply head over to their website linked below and at the checkout use code Aimee20 !


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