Friday, 27 February 2015

Walk away dress

My mum is the most talented woman in the world!! <3 So after the recent series of GBSB (great british sewing bee) my rather skilled mother took it upon herself to try out what to her is a simple make!! I am so proud of her and the level of professional sewing that my mum can do!!! This is called the walk away dress. Women in the 50's would make them just after breakfast and have them ready to wear just before lunch! It took mum only 2Hrs to complete this and i can't fault it at all! ...I have a feeling my wardrobe is going to be filled with these in hundreds of colours! 


This dress is so light weight, flattering, and AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS! 
this gorgeous fabric is such an eye-catching pattern without drawing attention away from the style of the dress. picking a key colour from the dress you can create an amazing accessory theme! So i chose RED! I have to admit i have a little bit of an obsession with red at the moment hence the red lips and heels, but you can create an equally gorgeous look with lime accessories! 

Me and Daniel have a wedding to go to in summer so I'm thinking i might make myself one of these in lemon yellow or red! ....hmmmm and defo thinking ill have to make a red and white spotty one for disney! How cute with my minniemouse ears! ...Too much? x

Lipstick ~ Rimmel Matte Red
Dress ~ Lime JellyFish
Heels ~ Office
Bag ~ M&S



what is it???

Why is it that one minute you are on top of the world and then the next you find yourself sat in your room wondering how it all got so bad?Over what?

I don't know if its just me but i am one of those people who worry too much! I over think a situation and always put myself in the other persons shoes feeling sorry or upset for them? If I'm angry or upset with someone ill never tell them? instead ill get home and unload it all on my boyfriend (love you Daniel) I find it so difficult to confront people and when I'm in the situation where i want to lash out and fight my corner. The sheepish part of me takes over and just lets people walk all over me. 

Why is it so hard for me to stand up for myself? Why do i let myself get so used, and spoken to like a piece of........poo. Does it make me a coward? Or do i just not like rejection or upset? .....But if thats the case then I'm failing at that, because, well , I'm the one who always ends upset?

Is it a girl thing, i guess this could just be part of our girly hormones sending us into a crazy phase where we think about everything and anything way too much but then why would there be girls who push you around and make you feel so small?

I realise this isn't my normal kind of blog and I'm sorry its such a 'grey' post but i just had to find a way to let it all out! 


Sunday, 22 February 2015

New makeup video up!

Hello my lovelies! if you haven't already seen it here is my 'makeup look'

My Makeup Look

I would love to hear your thoughts and any ideas of future videos or anything you'd like to see me review. So please feel free to contact me on any of the pages below i will reply to you all! x

Find Me On:
INSTAGRAM ~ aimeeinfluential
TWITTER ~ aimeeinf

I just want to take this time to thank absolutely everyone that is supporting, viewing and keeping my love for blogging a reality!!! 
love you all ! 



Thursday, 19 February 2015

Life working in fashion retail!

So I've had a few questions about how i got into working in the wonderful world of fashion and where my passion had stemmed from! It all comes down to what you enjoy doing really and today i am joined with my gorgeous friend Alice to talk to you all about what its really like working in fashion retail! So if your interested in the different areas of fashion that you can build a career from or simply nosey then keep reading!

1. Where do you work? Do you enjoy it there?

Aimee ~ Outfit, a store including Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Warehouse, Dorothy Perkins, Wallis, Topman, and wallis (some other outfits have more brands) and yes i really enjoy it! 
Alice ~ Outfit and yes i do ! 

2.How does working in retail challenge you both?

Aimee ~ i'd have to say difficult customers and When styling mannequins being able to dress them in all kinds of styles even if its not to your taste, theres so many different opinions!
Alice ~ Meeting targets and problem customers are my biggest challenges Id say

3.Whats your fave thing about working in retail?

Aimee ~ I'd have to say working with clothing, i love merchandising (changing wall displays and fixtures around) Its so creative and when you style mannequins its like dressing up 24/7!
Alice ~My favourite thing would have to be seeing what is coming into trends before anyone else or seeing what's going in sale, It sounds really lame but i just enjoy knowing things that other people dont!

4. Do you feel pressured to dress a certain way because you work in fashion?

Aimee ~ i wouldn't say pressured as such but of course you always like to look nice especially working around and endless supply of the latest fashion! But thats very difficult to put into practice when you know you have a busy 9 hour day ahead of you!
Alice ~ No not really, sometimes I look at how other employees are dressed at work and judge myself for not making more effort but I don't feel pressure to dress a certain way in or out of work

5.Would you recommend working in retail for the weak hearted? After all they say the fashion industry is the bitchiest! 

Aimee ~ you have to learn not to take things to heart, when fashion is all about personal appearance and style everyones idea of a perfect look is different! wherever you go people will always make comments you just have to rise above it.
Alice ~Hmm I think if you take it personally when people complain about you or bitch about you maybe it's not for you because there's always someone who's unhappy with what you've done and has something to say

6. What are the different areas of fashion that you would recommend for someone getting a first real job? 

Aimee ~Start off in a retail store that interests you, begin as a sales assistant so you can grow more confident in the brand and then work your way up!
Alice ~ I would say work in a place where the clothes they sell are the clothes you like, a simple sales assistant job is best to start but it's harder when you hate the clothes they sell, I hated my first job in retail because the clothes didn't interest me

7. Do you really have much space to be creative working in a shop?

Aimee ~If your working for the right brand then yes, There are so many possibilities when it comes to retail you can be anything from a visual merchandiser, to a stylist, service team, to personal shopper, buyer, to brand specialist and working with a large group of creative people really does keep you busy!! Its far from 'just a shop'
Alice ~ I think it depends what you're doing, as a brand specialist you can be creative but as a till operator or even just a general sales assistant working on a brand there's not much room for creativity as its all down to brand specialists but they let you help move wall displays sometimes

8. How do you cope with criticism?

Aimee ~ At the end of the day dont take things personally, Its just their opinion and you should take it on board to better yourself not beat yourself down about it! Surrounding yourself with lovely and happy people helps aswell! 
Alice~If it's a customer complaining I usually roll my eyes and forget all about it, if it's a manager or employee complaining I take what they're saying on board

9. Do you buy more clothes working for your brand or not??

Aimee ~ YES! Although working as the Warehouse brand specialist makes it hard as i cant ever afford to splash out on a bunch of warehouse clothes.... Unless im treating myself.
Alice~I've definitely bought more clothes since working at outfit, it's hard not to when you stare at them all day

10. What three things have working in retail taught you both?

Aimee ~ You can't please everybody, Its easier to just agree with the customer ...even if they're wrong, and be creative when dressing mannequins.
Alice ~ It has taught me more patience, that some people can't ever be pleased and never put two patterns next to eachother on a fixture


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Wishlist time!!!! I have recently discovered the brand Another 8! Their range of easy to wear unique clothing is so awesome and quality of product is well worth the price! Click the link on the side bar of my blog to head to their website! 

Here are a few of the products from Another8's new range concrete schoolyard that i just loooove!  All products are linked below their pictures! 


Q&A With Aimee And Jordan!

So its been a while since I’ve done a question and answer blog for you! And today we are joined with the gorgeous Jordan Colley! I love this girl and her crazy personality! So if you want to be nosey and get to know abit about the both of us then keep reading! 
If you have any questions for the both of us for a future video or blog post then please comment letting me know! 

1.Whats your favourite lip product?
Jordan ~ Revlon colourburst matte balm in the shade 240 Striking Spectaculaire
Aimee ~ Kiko double touch 10 hour lipstick in the shade 102

2.What is the one thing you couldn't live without?
Jordan ~ Music
Aimee ~ Dry shampoo!

3. What is your brow game?
Jordan ~ My brow game started about three years ago and its been constantly developing since then my fave product is too faced brow envy! 
Aimee ~ If I'm honest i just do whatever needs filling in with my Rimmel brown brow pencil but most mornings i just tend to leave them.

4. Whats your go to quick hairstyle?
Jordan ~ get out of bed, have my hair down and have a messy bun on top! 
Aimee ~ Messy bun or a slick back pony depending on how much dry shampoo i use.

5. Fave food?
Jordan ~ I really like wraps! Love fajitas!
Aimee ~ Nachoss!!!!!!!

6. Whats your clubbing Safety outfit?
Jordan ~ Tshirt, Jeans , and a shirt. Shoe wise goth boots! 
Aimee ~ Black misguided crossover playsuit! cant go wrong with heels! 

7. Pet hate??
Jordan ~ People not closing my bedroom door! Also people who burp and apologise !
Aimee ~ People who mix sweet and savoury food?!?!? 

8.  Do you both like working together
Jordan ~ sometimes.
Aimee ~ yes.

9.Whats your fave makeup brand?
Jordan ~ Mac!
Aimee ~ kiko or Urban decay

10. Whats your Fave Tv Series?
Jordan ~ H20 its a childs programme but my love for it is serious! Or American horror story
Aimee ~ Mad men love it but have to say so glad that Mr Selfridge is back!

11. What are you fave sweets?
Jordan ~ Topshop strawberries, strawberry lances, and Reversy Percys!
Aimee ~ Jelly tots!!!! 

12.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Jordan ~ Probably still working at outfit!
Aimee ~ Hopefully succesful in blogging!

13. Whats your fave colour?
Jordan ~ If black was a colour then it would be black, but its not its a shade so its green.
Aimee ~ Mint green ! 

14. Do you have a skincare routine?
Jordan ~ Nope i dont i also sleep with my makeup on! oops
Aimee ~ i use nivea skincare the cleanser and toner and the daytime moisturiser!

15. If you could be anyone in the world who would you be?
Jordan ~  Yannis Philipakis because then i could sing and make play great music.
Aimee ~ Beyonce, She's a huge female roll model! QUEEN B!



Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Pout it out

So girlies, and guys if you like....

I've had a few requests to show you how i create that overdrawn big lip affect so i thought it was about time i did one! Now since the gorgeous kylie jenner has burst onto the scene with her new look the world has crazed non stop over her luscious lips!

Just a little disclaimer i am not a makeup artist have had no professional training and these are literally just the tips and steps that i use! 

The first this i do is pick my fave colour lipstick now if you plan to overdraw your lips to get the full lip effect then i would suggest you choose a matte lipstick. This is because where the ridges on your lip sit if you add anything glossy or shimmery then the light will pick up on that straight away and it will be beyond obvious what you've done! But if thats the look your going for then why not! But personally i like it too look a little more natural and i love a matte lip anyway.

So begin with going over your lips with a lip balm of your choice, just anything to stop the dryness when you've added all the product. using a beauty blender dab foundation onto the edges of your lips to create a little less of a harsh line .
Then you want to create the 'outline' using a similar coloured lip liner you want to trace the line of your original lip but taking it a bit higher at the cupids bow and slightly lower at the bottom lip centre. This is what will create the wider lip look.

 TOP TIP: if you don't own a lip liner in your chosen colour to match then simply take a lipstick brush and use that to apply the lipstick when drawing your outline as if it were the pencil!

Then take the colour in to the middle of the mouth using two diagonal lines on the top lip and three vertical lines on the bottom lip.This creates a more shadowed plumped up look.

once you've then filled the lips in then i like to line my lips with a concealer this sharpens up the outer lines of the lips and makes the colour pop! 



Saturday, 7 February 2015

Laced Up In Lime Jellyfish!


i know what your thinking that corset is beyond gorgeous! Well your right, my more than talented mum runs her own business called Lime Jellyfish! She creates things from beanbags, to curtains, wedding dress and prom alterations to one of a kind corsets. I love her to pieces and honestly (not just because she's my mum) She is super talented!!! If you fancy grabbing your hands on one of these beauties or any of the above head over to her Facebook page linked below or website! 

Please do like her page and check it out for more info and photos of her beautiful work! 

I chose to style this corset with a white pencil skirt and court heels for a formal look. Choosing a plain skirt allows all attention to be drawn towards the corset.
 I wanted the focus to be on my body shape,and my curves because...well... LADIES EMBRACE YOUR CURVES!!!!! This bodice really shows my personality and i think its the perfect outfit for a day at the races or wedding! 

Corset ~ Lime Jellyfish
Skirt ~ Zara
Heels ~ Dune
Clutch ~ Dune



Saturday Sun

Just another chilly day so i thought id add a bit of a summery vibe to these cold rainy days! 

This adorable little scolloped dress is soooooo cute! The simplest things are sometimes the best don't you agree? A few weeks ago i received this adorable Champneys carry bag and i have to say I'm in love!! The only bags i ever really use are structured ones so this hard back bag is perfect for carrying around all my rubbish that i insist on taking out with me. I don't know what it is but i always seem to over prepare myself, my bags end up filled to the brim with wipes, makeup, eyelash glue, tissues, dry shampoo, spare socks and more! 

Dress ~ Topshop
Heels ~ Office
Bag ~ Champneys



Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Whats new in my makeup bag?

So my lovelies as you all know i manage to spend a rather sizeable amount of my wages on makeup products and adding new members to my brush family (a post you'll see later this week) so i thought it would only be fair that i share with you my thoughts advice and ....well cheeky purchases really! 

So the first thing is something i actually bought yesterday! i am yet to try this product as i totally forgot id bought it and found it this afternoon so am really excited to try this out tomorrow when applying my makeup. Ive heard really great things about this primer and at under £4 you can't really go wrong can you?!

Next up (sorry bit of a boring must have) is my studio fix Mac powder this powder is a little more expensive at around £20-£25 however I'm the kind of person who will have days where i love having a 100% matte affect on my base and others ill want a slightly more dewier look and honestly I've never tried a face powder with a better coverage! Its so light on the skin which is perfect if you just want a slight amount to set your foundation. Comes with a mirror?...... Well thats just perfect.

Maybe its Maybellineeeeeeeee!
I love a nudey brown lipstick more than anyone else i know and if I'm honest feel like i own every shade of nude under the sun! This super handy lip pencil is great for on the go lips in the shade Nude Perfection, its matte, cheap and has amazing coverage and The pencil makes it so easy to both line and fill the lips in.
I would say this is more of a daytime nude as its has a slight orange tinge to it making it slightly lighter. 

Well surprise surprise aimee's once again been dragged in by the amazing products at Kiko Cosmetics..... Im sorry i can't help myself!! 
If you've read my previous beauty tips blog then you will know that i use white eyeliner to line my waterline of my eyes. For those of you who don't know. This opens up the eyes giving the illusion of larger, wider, fuller eyes! ....Fuller eyes?
Now since then i have had a bunch of you come to me with the same issue of 
'The white eyeliner is too obvious against my foundation' 
'i don't like the harsh colour contrast'
'It doesn't look natural'
This is all true and of course is a complete personal taste/preference when applying your eyeliner and skin tones/foundation shade do differ! 
However! I have recently discovered a way to avoid this! Beige coloured eyeliner. I promise try it !!! I love it the colour is so much softer and looks a lot more natural rather than covering the waterline it enhances it and this soft kajal pencil is perfect for that!

Now last but defo not least, The amazing Kiko Double Touch! Yes Yes its another nude brown shade ;) Guilty!!

This is amazing! I now have this with me wherever i go and this is a colour that i have had ALOT of compliments on! I swear by this! Now i haven't tried the apocalypse lipgloss by Rimmel but if that works then this is the equivalent! at around £6 you can own this in a huge range of colours and when Kiko says its 10hr wear they really mean it!!! Even when the gloss is added the colour doesn't bleed off or transfer, Honestly woke up yesterday and it was still on!

Perfect for a long day at work or a night out! 


Let me know what you all think or if theres any products you'd like me to review or if you like me to do a first impressions video!! 


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